Will Auto Insurance Pay for Vandalism? Complete Guide
Despite the high costs associated with car vandalism, your best commercial auto insurance may assist you in covering them. However, depending on the circumstances, filing a claim might not always be advantageous. The theft of catalytic converters from hybrid and electric vehicles in the United States has recently involved the use of hacksaws. The number of thefts has increased, which has led to an increase in vandalism claims. To learn everything there is to know about making a vandalism claim, read this blog. What kind of automobile insurance includes vandalism? Comprehensive auto insurance protects your car from weather-related damage, theft, and vandalism. Comprehensive coverage is not required in the US. You are not required by any state to have it. However, a "full coverage" policy provides coverage for vandalism-related auto damage. If you don't have comprehensive coverage, your insurance won't pay for damage caused by vandalism. If you're not sure if comp...